Thursday, May 25, 2006

C14. - Thoughts on Abduction

“Hello? Miss Sim Goddess?”
“Yes Caryl?”
“I thought you might be lurking around here. Tad told me all about you, and at first I thought he was losing it. You know he’s not speaking to you; that whole Alien Abduction thing really pissed him off. He keeps going on about how you’re watching everything & how could you let that happen to him.

“Caryl, you know how Tad has always wanted a big family? And how you, to date, have bore 6 beautiful and healthy children for him?”

“Yes, but what do you mean, to date?”
“Don’t worry about that now, what I’m getting at is that perhaps Tad has been given a wonderful opportunity to now experience what you’ve gone through. Besides, while I do have some say in the workings of your world, I assure you that I have no control over the appearance (or lack thereof) of aliens.”

“ No control over aliens, I see.
Back up a shake there – what do you mean - what I’ve been through? & what does this have to do with my children? Are they coming back? You know, Angus is terrified that he’ll be abducted too!” (note: they all do carry the fear that Tad will be abducted again)

“Calm your knishes, girl – it doesn’t have anything to do with your brood. Let’s just say that Tad may need to borrow some of those maternity shirts of yours. And he’ll be a little run down and very hungry for the next few months.”
“He’s what… & borrow my maternity …

They’ve impregnated my husband?! **smirk**

That’s impossible – he can’t carry a child. Well, if any man could do it, it figures it would be Tad, he’s such a good father.”

“That’s right. Look upon this as a great blessing – Thadeus is such a fine specimen of fatherhood that other species have heard of his greatness and come to investigate, so to speak.”

“Is there child support involved? A monthly stipend or state support? I assume that someone will take financial responsibility for this?”
“Lets just say that any medical costs will be covered, and I suppose you could apply for some sort of grant. For now, let’s just be supportive of him in his condition. This could be prime material for your next novel you know – then you could hit the circuit, do the talk shows, it could be really Big.”
(Caryl is momentarily stunned by the huge dollar signs dancing before her eyes)

“ummhmm?” **imagining her own series of kids books, with alien teddy bears**

“I’m always here if you have more questions, or just want to talk, ok? One of these days, we’ll have a good chat & I’ll explain the Legacy rules to you, then it might make more sense.”
“Uh huh. *mutters to self* I bet this would get me on the Today show, definitely Matt Lauer interview-quality stuff here.“

(editors note: Tad is currently in his third trimester, and I'm searching my baby name book for "astral" type names for the birth tonight, more pictures to come!)


At 4:12 AM, Blogger T.Irwin said...

tee hee hee...I loved this: "Calm your knishes, girl"


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