Thursday, May 11, 2006

C10. - Back at the ranch

Life back at the Parker-Scott household seemed quiet after the twins moved off to college. Adam was working most afternoons and there just wasn't the same traffic of kids tromping through every day. Adam studied hard and went out regularly with his friends, always asking permission first, so there would be no trouble. Tad was spending most of his evenings gazing at the heavens and didn't seem to mind what Adam was up to. Adam was the good kid - no worries there.

Aemilia would occasionally bring home a friend, but mostly she was interested in studying. She wanted to be the top scientist one day & was looking forward to maxing out her cooking and logic skills. Sometimes she found a little time to play pool and dance with her friends, but not often. One of the friends she brought home from school was Mallory Mace and she & Caryl would often spend an hour or two together chatting over the chess board or hottubbing. Now that her kids were grown, and Caryl was working nights, she was lonely during the day.
She soon had another reason to stay home, but spent most of her time sleeping. Tad had indeed worked his magic and Caryl was pregnant again. She was secretly hoping for a little girl to paly with again - someone a little more interested in playing dress up & dolls with again. It was not to be; Caryl gave birth to a handsome son, whom they named Abraham, and once again, Tad was thrilled. Maybe he could start his own basketball team now!


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