Thursday, May 04, 2006

C7. - Adam grows up & a new baby arrives

Adam survived childhood, and rolled a family aspiration, just like his dad. Fortunately, after hanging around his big brother's friends for the past few years, he had made friends with several of the local girls and had his eye set on an old-fashioned sweetie named Aravis. He celebrated his birthday with his first kiss, and is constantly asking his parent's permission to go out with her. She is encouraging him to study hard for college so they can go together, but he really has no desire to study his skills.
Archie & Alex have their bags packed and their skills ready for college, so they're spending their last few days dancing, playing pool and their nights staring at the stars. (yes, 2 telescopes on the upstairs balcony) But no abductions yet & they can't seem to get the dancing or pool scholarships either. They have both gotten jobs and been promoted, spiking Caryl's happy button to have her boys be Over-achievers.
Caryl did give birth to a baby girl, which all of the boys dote on. Little Aemilia is a beautiful baby & Tad can't keep his hands off her. Caryl's finally convinced Tad to pose for her, as she's sold several masterpiece paintings already, and wants a permanent reminder of her true love in his prime (she should have convinced him to put on a tie!). Tad spends his share of time stargazing also, building his logic skills for that coveted Tycoon position.


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