Thursday, May 04, 2006

C6. - Caryl's promoted!

The boys do love their toys, and Alex can't get over what some of the girls downtown are wearing!

Life progresses at the Parker-Scott house; Adam has grown into a very nice, happy child, though he's somewhat over-shadowed by the twins, who have taken the neighborhood by storm. Almost every day, one of them brings home a friend from school, so the boys have gotten to know most of the Veronaville teens. With Tad's last promotion, he bought them a pool table for the back patio, so the teens have a place to hang out & have fun & not just go hanging about street corners, kicking over trash cans.
Caryl's made her LTW, so Tad's been begging her to try for a girl. He wants to hear the pitter patter of little feet again, and she just wants to make sure the twins get full scholarships. Of course, Tad's "misplaced" Caryl's birth control pills, so they're living dangerously until she can get her prescription refilled. And after serving up a platter of hamburgers for one of Archie's parties, Tad convinced her to join him for some fun in the hottub. Caryl thought that the bubbles might help as a deterent to Tad's busy little swimmers, but she thought wrong. The next day, she found herself losing her pancakes after everyone went off to school. At least she was off for the next few days, so she wasn't really missing work. And it would allow her some extra time to work on that novel.


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